Blue Rili Shrimp - Neocaridina Davidi
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Neocaridina Davidi
The Blue Rili Cherry is a higher grade of the ubiquitous Cherry Shrimp seen in many planted tanks all over the world. The strain is developed through selective breeding and commitment to rigorous culling to consistently produce specimens with opaque, deep red bodies.
The Blue Rili Cherry Shrimp has been made popular in the aquarium hobby due to its eye-catching blue color. A member of the Neocaridina genus, they are a fantastic choice for new shrimp keepers due to their tolerance of a wide range of water parameters, as well as their more widespread availability.
The Blue Rili Cherry Shrimp makes for a striking and dynamic addition to a planted aquarium, with its deep blue hue popping against a backdrop of dark substrate or a dense carpet of dwarf hairgrass. Blue Shrimp varieties are offered in different grades, ranging from opaque, full-coverage specimens to clear-bodied shrimp with patchy blue coloration. Their associated price point is a reflection of their desirability in the market.
Care requirements are the same as most Neocaridina shrimp. Neocaridina davidi can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, as well as water straight from your tap. This species thrives at room temperature and doesn’t require a heater. They do best at a pH of 7.2 - 7.6, preferring harder water conditions with a neutral or basic pH level. Ensure the shrimp are kept in a low-flow, well-cycled tank with aged water and plenty of algae to feed on.
The Blueberry Cherry Shrimp is an active scavenger, continually feeding on detritus and decomposing plant material within the aquarium. This constant grazing means they’re constantly cleaning, and they’re an excellent addition to a tank’s clean-up crew. Its diet consists of algae, biofilm, and decaying organic matter, and can be further supplemented with commercial vegetable-based shrimp pellets or wafers. Adding hardscape elements like lava rock to the aquarium encourages the growth of biofilm and algae due to the rock’s rough texture. This provides increased surface area and an extra food source for the shrimp to feed on.
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